
Module attribute

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Contains all meta data attributes. Each layer can have any number of [Attribute]s, including custom attributes.



  • The string literals used to represent a BlockType in a file.
  • Contains string literals identifying the type of an attribute.


  • A single channel in an layer. Does not contain the actual pixel data, but instead merely describes it.
  • A List of channels. Channels must be sorted alphabetically.
  • The color space of the pixels.
  • A rectangular section anywhere in 2D float space.
  • A rectangular section anywhere in 2D integer space. Valid from minimum coordinate (including) -1,073,741,822 to maximum coordinate (including) 1,073,741,822, the value of (i32::MAX/2 -1).
  • Uniquely identifies a motion picture film frame.
  • A small rgba image of i8 values that approximates the real exr image.
  • A byte array with each byte being a char. This is not UTF an must be constructed from a standard string.
  • Describes how the layer is divided into tiles. Specifies the size of each tile in the image and whether this image contains multiple resolution levels.
  • Contains time information for this frame within a sequence. Also defined methods to compile this information into a TV60, TV50 or Film24 bit sequence, packed into u32.


  • Contains one of all possible attributes. Includes a variant for custom attributes.
  • layer type, specifies block type and deepness.
  • If this attribute is present, it describes how this texture should be projected onto an environment.
  • Whether to also store increasingly smaller versions of the original image.
  • In what order the Blocks of pixel data appear in a file.
  • The type of samples in this channel.


Type Aliases§

  • The integer rectangle describing where an layer is placed on the infinite 2D global space.
  • The integer rectangle limiting which part of the infinite 2D global space should be displayed.
  • A float matrix with three rows and three columns.
  • A float matrix with four rows and four columns.
  • An integer dividend and divisor, together forming a ratio.
  • The raw bytes that make up a string in an exr file. Each u8 is a single char.
  • A byte slice, interpreted as text