
Function encoding_new_decoder_without_bom_handling_into

pub unsafe extern "C" fn encoding_new_decoder_without_bom_handling_into(
    encoding: *const Encoding,
    decoder: *mut Decoder,
Expand description

Allocates a new Decoder for the given Encoding into memory provided by the caller with BOM handling disabled.

If the input starts with bytes that look like a BOM, those bytes are not treated as a BOM. (Hence, the decoder never morphs into a decoder for another encoding.)

Note: If the caller has performed BOM sniffing on its own but has not removed the BOM, the caller should use encoding_new_decoder_with_bom_removal_into() instead of this function to cause the BOM to be removed.

ยงUndefined behavior

UB ensues if either argument is NULL.