pub enum DevtoolScriptControlMsg {
Show 17 variants
EvaluateJS(PipelineId, String, IpcSender<EvaluateJSReply>),
GetRootNode(PipelineId, IpcSender<Option<NodeInfo>>),
GetDocumentElement(PipelineId, IpcSender<Option<NodeInfo>>),
GetChildren(PipelineId, String, IpcSender<Option<Vec<NodeInfo>>>),
GetAttributeStyle(PipelineId, String, IpcSender<Option<Vec<NodeStyle>>>),
GetStylesheetStyle(PipelineId, String, String, usize, IpcSender<Option<Vec<NodeStyle>>>),
GetSelectors(PipelineId, String, IpcSender<Option<Vec<(String, usize)>>>),
GetComputedStyle(PipelineId, String, IpcSender<Option<Vec<NodeStyle>>>),
GetLayout(PipelineId, String, IpcSender<Option<ComputedNodeLayout>>),
ModifyAttribute(PipelineId, String, Vec<AttrModification>),
ModifyRule(PipelineId, String, Vec<RuleModification>),
WantsLiveNotifications(PipelineId, bool),
SetTimelineMarkers(PipelineId, Vec<TimelineMarkerType>, IpcSender<Option<TimelineMarker>>),
DropTimelineMarkers(PipelineId, Vec<TimelineMarkerType>),
RequestAnimationFrame(PipelineId, String),
GetCssDatabase(IpcSender<HashMap<String, CssDatabaseProperty>>),
Expand description
Messages to process in a particular script thread, as instructed by a devtools client. TODO: better error handling, e.g. if pipeline id lookup fails?
EvaluateJS(PipelineId, String, IpcSender<EvaluateJSReply>)
Evaluate a JS snippet in the context of the global for the given pipeline.
GetRootNode(PipelineId, IpcSender<Option<NodeInfo>>)
Retrieve the details of the root node (ie. the document) for the given pipeline.
GetDocumentElement(PipelineId, IpcSender<Option<NodeInfo>>)
Retrieve the details of the document element for the given pipeline.
GetChildren(PipelineId, String, IpcSender<Option<Vec<NodeInfo>>>)
Retrieve the details of the child nodes of the given node in the given pipeline.
GetAttributeStyle(PipelineId, String, IpcSender<Option<Vec<NodeStyle>>>)
Retrieve the CSS style properties defined in the attribute tag for the given node.
GetStylesheetStyle(PipelineId, String, String, usize, IpcSender<Option<Vec<NodeStyle>>>)
Retrieve the CSS style properties defined in an stylesheet for the given selector.
GetSelectors(PipelineId, String, IpcSender<Option<Vec<(String, usize)>>>)
Retrieves the CSS selectors for the given node. A selector is comprised of the text of the selector and the id of the stylesheet that contains it.
GetComputedStyle(PipelineId, String, IpcSender<Option<Vec<NodeStyle>>>)
Retrieve the computed CSS style properties for the given node.
GetLayout(PipelineId, String, IpcSender<Option<ComputedNodeLayout>>)
Retrieve the computed layout properties of the given node in the given pipeline.
ModifyAttribute(PipelineId, String, Vec<AttrModification>)
Update a given node’s attributes with a list of modifications.
ModifyRule(PipelineId, String, Vec<RuleModification>)
Update a given node’s style rules with a list of modifications.
WantsLiveNotifications(PipelineId, bool)
Request live console messages for a given pipeline (true if desired, false otherwise).
SetTimelineMarkers(PipelineId, Vec<TimelineMarkerType>, IpcSender<Option<TimelineMarker>>)
Request live notifications for a given set of timeline events for a given pipeline.
DropTimelineMarkers(PipelineId, Vec<TimelineMarkerType>)
Withdraw request for live timeline notifications for a given pipeline.
RequestAnimationFrame(PipelineId, String)
Request a callback directed at the given actor name from the next animation frame executed in the given pipeline.
Direct the given pipeline to reload the current page.
GetCssDatabase(IpcSender<HashMap<String, CssDatabaseProperty>>)
Gets the list of all allowed CSS rules and possible values.