
Module stdlib

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Re-exports either the Rust std library or core and alloc when std is disabled.

crate::stdlib::... should be used rather than std:: when adding code that will be available with the standard library disabled.

Note that this module is called stdlib rather than std, as Rust 1.34.0 does not permit redefining the name stdlib (although this works on the latest stable Rust).


  • alloc πŸ”’
    Memory allocation APIs.
  • any πŸ”’
    Utilities for dynamic typing or type reflection.
  • arch πŸ”’
    SIMD and vendor intrinsics module.
  • array πŸ”’
    Utilities for the array primitive type.
  • ascii πŸ”’
    Operations on ASCII strings and characters.
  • backtrace πŸ”’
    Support for capturing a stack backtrace of an OS thread
  • borrow πŸ”’
    A module for working with borrowed data.
  • boxed πŸ”’
    The Box<T> type for heap allocation.
  • cell πŸ”’
    Shareable mutable containers.
  • char πŸ”’
    Utilities for the char primitive type.
  • clone πŸ”’
    The Clone trait for types that cannot be β€˜implicitly copied’.
  • cmp πŸ”’
    Utilities for comparing and ordering values.
  • collections πŸ”’
    Collection types.
  • convert πŸ”’
    Traits for conversions between types.
  • default πŸ”’
    The Default trait for types with a default value.
  • env πŸ”’
    Inspection and manipulation of the process’s environment.
  • error πŸ”’
    Interfaces for working with Errors.
  • f32 πŸ”’
    Constants for the f32 single-precision floating point type.
  • f64 πŸ”’
    Constants for the f64 double-precision floating point type.
  • ffi πŸ”’
    Utilities related to FFI bindings.
  • fmt πŸ”’
    Utilities for formatting and printing Strings.
  • fs πŸ”’
    Filesystem manipulation operations.
  • future πŸ”’
    Asynchronous basic functionality.
  • hash πŸ”’
    Generic hashing support.
  • hint πŸ”’
    Hints to compiler that affects how code should be emitted or optimized.
  • i8 πŸ”’ Deprecation planned
    Redundant constants module for the i8 primitive type.
  • i16 πŸ”’ Deprecation planned
    Redundant constants module for the i16 primitive type.
  • i32 πŸ”’ Deprecation planned
    Redundant constants module for the i32 primitive type.
  • i64 πŸ”’ Deprecation planned
    Redundant constants module for the i64 primitive type.
  • i128 πŸ”’ Deprecation planned
    Redundant constants module for the i128 primitive type.
  • io πŸ”’
    Traits, helpers, and type definitions for core I/O functionality.
  • isize πŸ”’ Deprecation planned
    Redundant constants module for the isize primitive type.
  • iter πŸ”’
    Composable external iteration.
  • marker πŸ”’
    Primitive traits and types representing basic properties of types.
  • mem πŸ”’
    Basic functions for dealing with memory.
  • net πŸ”’
    Networking primitives for TCP/UDP communication.
  • num πŸ”’
    Additional functionality for numerics.
  • ops πŸ”’
    Overloadable operators.
  • option πŸ”’
    Optional values.
  • os πŸ”’
    OS-specific functionality.
  • panic πŸ”’
    Panic support in the standard library.
  • path πŸ”’
    Cross-platform path manipulation.
  • pin πŸ”’
    Types that pin data to a location in memory.
  • prelude πŸ”’
    The Rust Prelude
  • primitive πŸ”’
    This module reexports the primitive types to allow usage that is not possibly shadowed by other declared types.
  • process πŸ”’
    A module for working with processes.
  • ptr πŸ”’
    Manually manage memory through raw pointers.
  • rc πŸ”’
    Single-threaded reference-counting pointers. β€˜Rc’ stands for β€˜Reference Counted’.
  • result πŸ”’
    Error handling with the Result type.
  • slice πŸ”’
    Utilities for the slice primitive type.
  • str πŸ”’
    Utilities for the str primitive type.
  • string πŸ”’
    A UTF-8–encoded, growable string.
  • sync πŸ”’
    Useful synchronization primitives.
  • task πŸ”’
    Types and Traits for working with asynchronous tasks.
  • thread πŸ”’
    Native threads.
  • time πŸ”’
    Temporal quantification.
  • u8 πŸ”’ Deprecation planned
    Redundant constants module for the u8 primitive type.
  • u16 πŸ”’ Deprecation planned
    Redundant constants module for the u16 primitive type.
  • u32 πŸ”’ Deprecation planned
    Redundant constants module for the u32 primitive type.
  • u64 πŸ”’ Deprecation planned
    Redundant constants module for the u64 primitive type.
  • u128 πŸ”’ Deprecation planned
    Redundant constants module for the u128 primitive type.
  • usize πŸ”’ Deprecation planned
    Redundant constants module for the usize primitive type.
  • vec πŸ”’
    A contiguous growable array type with heap-allocated contents, written Vec<T>.
  • assert_matches πŸ”’ Experimental
    Unstable module containing the unstable assert_matches macro.
  • async_iter πŸ”’ Experimental
    Composable asynchronous iteration.
  • f16 πŸ”’ Experimental
    Constants for the f16 double-precision floating point type.
  • f128 πŸ”’ Experimental
    Constants for the f128 double-precision floating point type.
  • intrinsics πŸ”’ Experimental
    Compiler intrinsics.
  • pat πŸ”’ Experimental
    Helper module for exporting the pattern_type macro
  • pipe πŸ”’ Experimental
    Module for anonymous pipe
  • random πŸ”’ Experimental
    Random value generation.
  • simd πŸ”’ Experimental
    Portable SIMD module.


  • assert πŸ”’
    Asserts that a boolean expression is true at runtime.
  • assert_eq πŸ”’
    Asserts that two expressions are equal to each other (using PartialEq).
  • assert_ne πŸ”’
    Asserts that two expressions are not equal to each other (using PartialEq).
  • cfg πŸ”’
    Evaluates boolean combinations of configuration flags at compile-time.
  • column πŸ”’
    Expands to the column number at which it was invoked.
  • compile_error πŸ”’
    Causes compilation to fail with the given error message when encountered.
  • concat πŸ”’
    Concatenates literals into a static string slice.
  • dbg πŸ”’
    Prints and returns the value of a given expression for quick and dirty debugging.
  • debug_assert πŸ”’
    Asserts that a boolean expression is true at runtime.
  • debug_assert_eq πŸ”’
    Asserts that two expressions are equal to each other.
  • debug_assert_ne πŸ”’
    Asserts that two expressions are not equal to each other.
  • env πŸ”’
    Inspects an environment variable at compile time.
  • eprint πŸ”’
    Prints to the standard error.
  • eprintln πŸ”’
    Prints to the standard error, with a newline.
  • file πŸ”’
    Expands to the file name in which it was invoked.
  • format πŸ”’
    Creates a String using interpolation of runtime expressions.
  • format_args πŸ”’
    Constructs parameters for the other string-formatting macros.
  • include πŸ”’
    Parses a file as an expression or an item according to the context.
  • include_bytes πŸ”’
    Includes a file as a reference to a byte array.
  • include_str πŸ”’
    Includes a UTF-8 encoded file as a string.
  • is_x86_feature_detected πŸ”’ x86 or x86-64
    A macro to test at runtime whether a CPU feature is available on x86/x86-64 platforms.
  • line πŸ”’
    Expands to the line number on which it was invoked.
  • matches πŸ”’
    Returns whether the given expression matches the provided pattern.
  • module_path πŸ”’
    Expands to a string that represents the current module path.
  • option_env πŸ”’
    Optionally inspects an environment variable at compile time.
  • panic πŸ”’
    Panics the current thread.
  • print πŸ”’
    Prints to the standard output.
  • println πŸ”’
    Prints to the standard output, with a newline.
  • stringify πŸ”’
    Stringifies its arguments.
  • thread_local πŸ”’
    Declare a new thread local storage key of type std::thread::LocalKey.
  • todo πŸ”’
    Indicates unfinished code.
  • try πŸ”’ Deprecated
    Unwraps a result or propagates its error.
  • unimplemented πŸ”’
    Indicates unimplemented code by panicking with a message of β€œnot implemented”.
  • unreachable πŸ”’
    Indicates unreachable code.
  • vec πŸ”’
    Creates a Vec containing the arguments.
  • write πŸ”’
    Writes formatted data into a buffer.
  • writeln πŸ”’
    Writes formatted data into a buffer, with a newline appended.
  • cfg_match πŸ”’ Experimental
    A macro for defining #[cfg] match-like statements.
  • concat_bytes πŸ”’ Experimental
    Concatenates literals into a byte slice.
  • concat_idents πŸ”’ Experimental
    Concatenates identifiers into one identifier.
  • const_format_args πŸ”’ Experimental
    Same as format_args, but can be used in some const contexts.
  • format_args_nl πŸ”’ Experimental
    Same as format_args, but adds a newline in the end.
  • log_syntax πŸ”’ Experimental
    Prints passed tokens into the standard output.
  • trace_macros πŸ”’ Experimental
    Enables or disables tracing functionality used for debugging other macros.