Module regex::regex::string

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  • A low level representation of the byte offsets of each capture group.
  • An iterator over all non-overlapping capture matches in a haystack.
  • An iterator over the names of all capture groups in a regex.
  • Represents the capture groups for a single match.
  • Represents a single match of a regex in a haystack.
  • An iterator over all non-overlapping matches in a haystack.
  • A helper type for forcing literal string replacement.
  • A compiled regular expression for searching Unicode haystacks.
  • A by-reference adaptor for a Replacer.
  • An iterator over all substrings delimited by a regex match.
  • An iterator over at most N substrings delimited by a regex match.
  • An iterator over all group matches in a Captures value.


  • A trait for types that can be used to replace matches in a haystack.


  • Quickly checks the given replacement string for whether interpolation should be done on it. It returns None if a $ was found anywhere in the given string, which suggests interpolation needs to be done. But if there’s no $ anywhere, then interpolation definitely does not need to be done. In that case, the given string is returned as a borrowed Cow.