Type Alias mozjs::jsapi::ModuleMetadataHook

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pub type ModuleMetadataHook = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut JSContext, _: Handle<Value>, _: Handle<*mut JSObject>) -> bool>;
Expand description

The module metadata hook.

See: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-hostgetimportmetaproperties

Populate the |metaObject| object returned when import.meta is evaluated in the context of the script or module with private value |privateValue|.

This is based on the spec’s HostGetImportMetaProperties hook but defines properties on the meta object directly rather than returning a list.

Aliased Type§

enum ModuleMetadataHook {
    Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut JSContext, _: Handle<Value>, _: Handle<*mut JSObject>) -> bool),




No value.


Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut JSContext, _: Handle<Value>, _: Handle<*mut JSObject>) -> bool)

Some value of type T.

Trait Implementations§


impl<T: CustomTrace> CustomTrace for Option<T>


impl<T: FromJSValConvertible> FromJSValConvertible for Option<T>


type Config = <T as FromJSValConvertible>::Config

Optional configurable behaviour switch; use () for no configuration.

unsafe fn from_jsval( cx: *mut JSContext, value: HandleValue<'_>, option: T::Config ) -> Result<ConversionResult<Option<T>>, ()>

Convert val to type Self. Optional configuration of type T can be passed as the option argument. If it returns Err(()), a JSAPI exception is pending. If it returns Ok(Failure(reason)), there is no pending JSAPI exception.

impl<T: ToJSValConvertible> ToJSValConvertible for Option<T>


unsafe fn to_jsval(&self, cx: *mut JSContext, rval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)

Convert self to a JSVal. JSAPI failure causes a panic.

impl<T: Traceable> Traceable for Option<T>


unsafe fn trace(&self, trc: *mut JSTracer)

Trace self.