Type Alias mozjs::jsapi::JSNewEnumerateOp

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pub type JSNewEnumerateOp = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut JSContext, _: Handle<*mut JSObject>, _: MutableHandleIdVector, _: bool) -> bool>;
Expand description

The type of ObjectOps::enumerate. This callback overrides a portion of SpiderMonkey’s default [[Enumerate]] internal method. When an ordinary object is enumerated, that object and each object on its prototype chain is tested for an enumerate op, and those ops are called in order. The properties each op adds to the ‘properties’ vector are added to the set of values the for-in loop will iterate over. All of this is nonstandard.

An object is “enumerated” when it’s the target of a for-in loop or JS_Enumerate(). The callback’s job is to populate ‘properties’ with the object’s property keys. If enumerableOnly is true, the callback should only add enumerable properties.

Aliased Type§

enum JSNewEnumerateOp {
    Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut JSContext, _: Handle<*mut JSObject>, _: MutableHandleIdVector, _: bool) -> bool),




No value.


Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut JSContext, _: Handle<*mut JSObject>, _: MutableHandleIdVector, _: bool) -> bool)

Some value of type T.

Trait Implementations§


impl<T: CustomTrace> CustomTrace for Option<T>


impl<T: FromJSValConvertible> FromJSValConvertible for Option<T>


type Config = <T as FromJSValConvertible>::Config

Optional configurable behaviour switch; use () for no configuration.

unsafe fn from_jsval( cx: *mut JSContext, value: HandleValue<'_>, option: T::Config ) -> Result<ConversionResult<Option<T>>, ()>

Convert val to type Self. Optional configuration of type T can be passed as the option argument. If it returns Err(()), a JSAPI exception is pending. If it returns Ok(Failure(reason)), there is no pending JSAPI exception.

impl<T: ToJSValConvertible> ToJSValConvertible for Option<T>


unsafe fn to_jsval(&self, cx: *mut JSContext, rval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)

Convert self to a JSVal. JSAPI failure causes a panic.

impl<T: Traceable> Traceable for Option<T>


unsafe fn trace(&self, trc: *mut JSTracer)

Trace self.