Module memchr::memmem::searcher

source Β·


  • Pre πŸ”’
    A combination of prefilter effectiveness state and the prefilter itself.
  • Prefilter πŸ”’
    The implementation of a prefilter.
  • PrefilterState πŸ”’
    PrefilterState tracks state associated with the effectiveness of a prefilter. It is used to track how many bytes, on average, are skipped by the prefilter. If this average dips below a certain threshold over time, then the state renders the prefilter inert and stops using it.
  • Searcher πŸ”’
    A β€œmeta” substring searcher.
  • SearcherRev πŸ”’
    A reverse substring searcher.
  • A two-way substring searcher with a prefilter.



  • do_packed_search πŸ”’
    Returns true if the needle has the right characteristics for a vector algorithm to handle the entirety of substring search.
  • prefilter_kind_avx2 πŸ”’ ⚠
    Reads from the avx2 field of PrefilterKind to execute the x86_64 AVX2 prefilter.
  • prefilter_kind_fallback πŸ”’ ⚠
    Reads from the fallback field of PrefilterKind to execute the fallback prefilter. Works on all platforms.
  • prefilter_kind_sse2 πŸ”’ ⚠
    Reads from the sse2 field of PrefilterKind to execute the x86_64 SSE2 prefilter.
  • searcher_kind_avx2 πŸ”’ ⚠
    Reads from the avx2 field of SearcherKind to execute the x86_64 AVX2 vectorized substring search implementation.
  • searcher_kind_empty πŸ”’ ⚠
    Reads from the empty field of SearcherKind to handle the case of searching for the empty needle. Works on all platforms.
  • searcher_kind_one_byte πŸ”’ ⚠
    Reads from the one_byte field of SearcherKind to handle the case of searching for a single byte needle. Works on all platforms.
  • searcher_kind_sse2 πŸ”’ ⚠
    Reads from the sse2 field of SearcherKind to execute the x86_64 SSE2 vectorized substring search implementation.
  • searcher_kind_two_way πŸ”’ ⚠
    Reads from the two_way field of SearcherKind to handle the case of searching for an arbitrary needle without prefilter acceleration. Works on all platforms.
  • Reads from the two_way_with_prefilter field of SearcherKind to handle the case of searching for an arbitrary needle with prefilter acceleration. Works on all platforms.

Type Aliases§


  • PrefilterKind πŸ”’
    A union indicating one of several possible prefilters that are in active use.
  • SearcherKind πŸ”’
    A union indicating one of several possible substring search implementations that are in active use.